◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇   中科院候选院士肖传国早在纽约州立大学医学院时就涉嫌伪造简历   作者:水中划   自从肖传国送给上海神经所的简历被发现造假,我就怀疑他在其他地方也造 假。果然最近披露的他在同济的官方介绍中又见诸多伪造和夸大之处。比如把在 纽约州立大学医学院任职时的助理教授改成副教授。熟悉英国体制的就知道,肖 本人把在英国做公派访问学者的头衔,写成Fellow 而非Visiting scholar 或 visiting fellow, 就很见功力。很多人不理解,一个工农兵大学生,最高学历 硕士,没有SCI文章,何德何能,从英国到美国就直接做讲师,两年后就跳槽任 助理教授,到现在4篇 IF小于4的文章就以学界大腕口气说话,要做中科院院士。 肖传国的成功之道,我看非常值得细细分析,这样对广大渴望事业成功的海外学 子,特别是还在犹豫要不要靠研的中国MD们,一定大有帮助。现在看来,其中一 个猫腻,就是在简历上做足文章。西方学界,诚信第一,你送的简历说啥,人家 就信啥,除了查些文章外,没人会认为有假。这样就给很多同胞们有了很大的发 挥空间。今天和大家来学习一下肖教授送给纽约州立大学医学院的一份登在2000 年学校系里 Faculty网页的介绍,欣赏一下肖教授能够成为助理教授的一些小窍 门。   1. 介绍称肖到美国前曾是同济医学院泌尿科的教授和系主任。我们知道, 肖是在1997年任这一职位的,因此肖把自己的职位起码提前近10年!   2. 2000年,肖已经兼任同济医学院泌尿科的教授和系主任近3年,纽约州 立大学医学院好象并不知情,否则不会用WAS 这一过去时。   3. 介绍称从1987年到2000年,肖传国共发表23篇论文。现在我们知道,这 数目起码夸大了一倍不只。由于有具体数目,肖传国伪造论文的题目和杂志名称 的嫌疑极大,而且应该伪造不少中文论文,这样美国人查不了。   4. 介绍说肖传国在中国就开始了在脊髓损伤病人中的新神经通道的研究, 另一篇介绍则说肖传国在中国已经给数十个病人做过取得极好结果的手术,这和 其它的一些中文报道不符。   5. 介绍说肖在1994年得到一笔80万美元NIH的资助,比肖本人简历报道的 (虽然是direct cost)要多出将近一倍。   6. 还有一些内容暂时无法查对。   小结:小小一段介绍,竟有如此多的不符之处,而且多往好里夸大,可见肖 之聪明。另外一点很有意思,其他Faculty,多是一个头象,只有肖好象捧着一个 奖状照相。这和肖平时口口声声说不计名利,也好象有点不符麽。   参考文献:   Chaun-Guo Xiao, MD - Prior to coming to the USA, Dr. Xiao was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urology at the Tongji Medical University in the People Republic of China.   In 1988, he took a position as instructor in urology and neuroanatomy and research fellow at the Eastern Virginia Medical School, Department of Urology. In 1990, he was appointed assistant professor in the Department of Urology at SUNY – Downstate. Dr. Xiao has published 23 papers dating back to 1987. He published his first paper on the new reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury in the Journal of Urology in 1990.   Dr. Xiao initiated his work on the development of new neuropathways with spinal cord injury patients in China and has carried that research forth in the United States. . The Paralyzed Veterans of America awarded him 2 grants in 1990 and 1992 for this research. In 1994, he was granted an $800,000 NIH award and then in 1999, an NIH grant for almost $4 million for the development of a "skin-CNS-bladder reflux pathway for micturition."   In 1998 he was awarded an AUA fellowship in neurourology. Since 1993, he has been a NIH consultant and a member of its grant review process.   http://biomedcom.downstate.edu/Urology/site_pages/faculty.html   Faculty Members:   Last Update: 10/3/00   Chaun-Guo Xiao, MD - Prior to coming to the USA, Dr. Xiao was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urology at the Tongji Medical University in the People Republic of China.   In 1988, he took a position as instructor in urology and neuroanatomy and research fellow at the Eastern Virginia Medical School, Department of Urology. In 1990, he was appointed assistant professor in the Department of Urology at SUNY – Downstate. Dr. Xiao has published 23 papers dating back to 1987. He published his first paper on the new reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury in the Journal of Urology in 1990.   Dr. Xiao initiated his work on the development of new neuropathways with spinal cord injury patients in China and has carried that research forth in the United States. . The Paralyzed Veterans of America awarded him 2 grants in 1990 and 1992 for this research. In 1994, he was granted an $800,000 NIH award and then in 1999, an NIH grant for almost $4 million for the development of a "skin-CNS-bladder reflux pathway for micturition."   In 1998 he was awarded an AUA fellowship in neurourology. Since 1993, he has been a NIH consultant and a member of its grant review process.    http://biomedcom.downstate.edu/Urology/pdf/UROLOGY%20NEWSLETTER%20doc.pdf   State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn   Downstate Medical School   Department of Urology   ALUMNI UPDATE   2000   5. Dr. Xiao, our research urologist has received a nearly $3 million grant from the NIH to further his work in creating new neural pathways. He has performed the operation in his native China on several dozen patients with excellent results. A truly remarkable achievement if his current success continues and is independently verified.   http://www.eeo-edu.com/newscenter/details.asp?news_id=2653   截瘫患者有望扔掉尿袋子   新华网武汉9月4日专电(彭晓兰 李永升)武汉协和医院首创的截瘫患者 膀胱功能重建手术,在我国正式进入临床推广阶段,该技术不仅可解决我国目前 200多万截瘫患者大小便失控问题,同时对神经学研究具有新的创造性启示。   脊髓损伤所致排尿障碍是医学界的一大难题,病人截瘫平面以下神经反射消 失,不能自主排尿,需长时期用引流袋储集尿液。由于排尿障碍极易导致尿路感 染,约75%-90%的截瘫患者死于尿道感染、肾功能衰竭等泌尿系统并发症 状。1988年武汉协和医院肖传国教授提出,利用截瘫平面以下的废用神经, 通过手术将体神经与支配膀胱的内脏自主神经吻合杂交,形成一种新的可经皮肤 控制的神经反射排尿通路。从1995年开始,在国内开展了14例科研手术, 除1例失去随访外,其他13例术后6个月至1年左右均可控制排尿。   武汉协和医院的这项研究于1998年被列为国家自然科学基金重大课题, 并于去年通过了卫生部鉴定,近期又获得了“吴阶平奖”。(完)   本新闻来源:新华网 时间:2000-9-4 11:29:42 (XYS20050919) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇